Category Archives: Healthy Relationships

How to Offer an Effective Apology

No one is perfect, and sometimes you’re going to make mistakes that hurt others. When you offend your spouse or partner, you’ve hurt one of the most important people in your life. An apology is in order, but many people … Continue reading

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How to Nurture Better Relationships Between Parents and Adult Children

As we grow up, we develop patterns of behavior in our interactions with our parents. No parents are perfect, and no children are perfect. We all have traits, both positive and negative, that have interacted and sometimes been in conflict … Continue reading

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How to Heal Your Relationship

Are you and your spouse at odds and unhappy, but want to stay together? Make 2024 your year to address these issues and find loving, mutually supportive solutions. As a psychotherapist in New York City working with couples, I have … Continue reading

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Is Your Marriage Stuck in a Rut? How to Get the Momentum Back

It is common for a couple to find themselves falling into life routines that cause a sense of boredom and monotony in their marriage. The day-in-day-out sameness of modern life seems to suck the joy out of the relationship and … Continue reading

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Nothing in Common with Your Spouse?

So you’ve been married for a while and you realize you have no interests in common. You’re only talking about the kids or work or what needs to be done around the house. While this might seem distressing when you … Continue reading

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Giving Space in Your Marriage

Here in the city that never sleeps (and when we do it is often in a small apartment), your marriage may feel a little cramped and in need of some breathing room. While you may love to spend time with … Continue reading

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How to Make a Happier Marriage

Every marriage has its ups and downs. You hold on during the down times in anticipation of the up times to come. But the ups often need a little encouragement, because negative emotions can easily get stuck in us and … Continue reading

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When You Don’t Agree

It’s normal and healthy for you and your spouse or partner to have different views and disagreements. After all, you’re individuals. Differences can often fill in gaps in each other’s nature. This is why we often hear the old adage … Continue reading

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Your Relationship After the Pandemic

There’s no question that the pandemic has had a significant impact on romantic relationships. For some, the 24/7 togetherness has made their relationship stronger. A greater appreciation of each other and a need to find things to do together has … Continue reading

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Emotional Abuse or Overreacting?

No one is perfect and no relationship is perfect. There will always be disagreements in a marriage or romantic relationship, and sometimes one will hurt the other. It’s really important in any relationship to assume the best of the other … Continue reading

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