Author Archives: Alisa Hafkin

How to Offer an Effective Apology

No one is perfect, and sometimes you’re going to make mistakes that hurt others. When you offend your spouse or partner, you’ve hurt one of the most important people in your life. An apology is in order, but many people … Continue reading

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Perfectionism and Your Anxiety

Striving for excellence is a praiseworthy characteristic. Excellence, however, should not be confused with perfection. In our imperfect world, perfection is impossible; predictably, perfectionism is often linked to anxiety and panic disorder. It is an important part of the therapeutic … Continue reading

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Mindfulness and Managing Anxiety

Mindfulness has become a buzzword in the self-help sphere of late, but there’s little real understanding of what it means and how it can help us. I work with my clients in multiple ways depending on what they best respond … Continue reading

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Social Media – Anxiety and Depression

More and more studies are showing the connection between social media use and mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. There are many complex reasons at play, and since they are interconnected, it’s hard to say how big a … Continue reading

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Growing Apart From Your Partner in NYC

Our life experiences have a tremendous impact on our growth as individuals. This is why sometimes couples who are together for many years find that they are very different people than they were when their relationship first began. The way … Continue reading

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Healthy Boundaries in Marriage

The word “boundary” seems to have a negative connotation – a boundary prevents me from going someplace; it limits me. But if that boundary was a tall fence that keeps you from stepping off a steep cliff, you would be … Continue reading

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The Difference Between Guilt and Shame

When you start to experience depression and anxiety, feelings of guilt and shame tend to creep into your thoughts. I help patients process the feelings usually present when they are not feeling well and/or are very anxious about life. When … Continue reading

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How to Nurture Better Relationships Between Parents and Adult Children

As we grow up, we develop patterns of behavior in our interactions with our parents. No parents are perfect, and no children are perfect. We all have traits, both positive and negative, that have interacted and sometimes been in conflict … Continue reading

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Dealing with Anxiety: Set Up Your Apartment for Success 

Your living arrangements can have a dramatic impact on your mood. Even the layout of your NYC apartment is important. A 2018 study published in the Journal of Urban Health found that apartment layouts in which rooms all branched out … Continue reading

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Can a Support Group Help?

When we are going through a difficult time in our lives here in New York City, we can benefit from supportive, empathetic people to share our journey with us and help lighten the load. Depending on what the issue may … Continue reading

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